Food Stations
Iberian DO Guijuelo station
- Acorn-fed ham
- Chorizo
- Salchichón
- Lomo
- Morcilla de vela
Hacienda Zorita organic cheese station
- Torta de la Dehesa
- Goat cheese with thyme
- Cured sheep cheese
Vegetarian station
- Tomato, radish and piparra salad
- Sprout salad, colorful tomatoes,
shallots and pine nuts
- Grilled vegetables and lettuce
Rice station
- Valencian paella
- Black rice with squid
- Monkfish and seafood fideuá
- Seasonal fresh fruit skewers
- Strawberry puff pastry tart
- Yllera 5.5 Rosé Frizzante
- Yllera Verdejo organic white wine
Vendimia Nocturna DO Rueda
- Pepe Yllera red wine DO Ribera del Duero
- Natural juices Catering Spain
- Water, beer and soft drinks